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- The purpose of this document is explain how to use StarSiege's input mapping utility.
- It will allow complete control over how you control your HERC.
- 5. INPUT
- -------------------------------
- First, open any *.cs file located in the install directory (usually c:\games\Es3Alpha\Keymaps)
- Notice that it is divided into 3 different sections ( Camera, CameraOrbit,and Herc ).
- The different sections indicate the control scheme for different control modes. For example,
- when piloting a HERC, the Herc control section will be used, or when in an external camera view,
- the CameraOrbit control section will be used.
- The Keymapping files can be nested, or "included" within each other. In the Joystick.cs file,
- the following lines indicate other keymap files that are combined with the joystick.cs
- file to create a complete keymap for multiple input devices and functions:
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # include generic camera controls
- exec _defCamera.cs
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # include generic keyboard controls
- exec _defKeyboard.cs
- This is done mainly for convenience. If you wish to create a single file that contains
- "everything" you can do so.
- -------------------------------
- It is crucial to use the "make" and "break" keywords correctly. When binding input to actions such as
- firing, moving, or looking ( actions that should generally occur only when holding down a key or button ),
- use the "make" to initiate the action, and "break" to turn it off.
- Example:
- "bindAction keyboard make space TO ACTION_FIRE 1.0"
- "bindAction kyboard break space TO ACTION_FIRE 0.0"
- The value at the end represents a toggle, where 1.0 is on and 0.0 is off.
- --------------------------------
- Most actions require a value at the end of a binding statement ( see ACTION DEFINITIONS below for more info ).
- There are five additional parameters that you have the option of using. They are:
- flip: Reverses the coordinate system for the chosen action (ACTION_YAW -1.0 would turn left instead of right)
- Example : "bindAction joystick yaxis TO ACTION_LOOK_Y flip"
- deadzone: Kills all input that lies within the specified range.
- (e.g.,If you enter 'deadzone 0.1', the deadzone will be 10% of your total axis ).
- Example: "bindAction joystick xaxis TO ACTION_YAW deadzone 0.1"
- center: Centers your the coordinate system of your control device from (0.0, 1.0) to (-1.0,1.0)
- Example: "bindAction joystick yaxis TO ACTION_SPEED center"
- square: Changes the growth rate of constant input (e.g., pulling down on a joystick)from linear to parabolic.
- Example: "bindAction joystick yaxis TO ACTION_SPEED square"
- scale: Scales the sensitivity of an input signal, based on the value you give it.
- Example:"bindAction joystick zaxis TO ACTION_SPEED scale 0.2
- Note that it is possible to string five of these parameters onto the end of one action. For example,
- you could enter a line that looked like this:
- "bindAction joystick yaxis TO ACTION_SPEED deadzone 0.2 center square scale 0.1".
- This would have the effect of giving a deadzone of 20% in the center the yaxis of your joystick,
- while scaling the input signal by a factor of 0.1. Pushing forward would increase your HERC's forward throttle
- at a parabolic rate, and pulling back would do the same thing, in reverse.
- Obviously, other combinations are possible.
- --------------------------------
- In order to load a custom keymap file, it needs to be located in the ..\es3Alpha\keymaps directory.
- At the Player Setup Menu, click on the Input Configuration field. This will call up a list of the
- available KeyMap files. Highlight the one you want to load.
- 5. INPUT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- JOYSTICK INPUT( keyword is "joystick" ):
- "zaxis"
- "yaxis"
- "xaxis"
- "rzaxis"
- "xpov"
- "ypov"
- "button0"
- "button1"
- "button2"
- "button3"
- "button4"
- "button5"
- "button6"
- "button7"
- "button8"
- "button9"
- "button10"
- MOUSE INPUT( keyword is "mouse" ):
- "xaxis"
- "yaxis"
- "zaxis"
- "button0"
- "button1"
- "button2"
- "button3"
- KEYBOARD INPUT( keyword is "keyboard" ):
- Note that key modifiers( alt, shift, control) are supported,
- but the modifier must come before the key (e.g., "shift s").
- Any key not listed below is represented by it's direct keyboard character.
- "escape" Esc
- "backspace" BackSpace
- "tab" Tab
- "enter" Enter
- "control" Control
- "shift" Shift
- "alt" Alt
- "capslock" Caps Lock
- "numlock" Num Lock
- "numpad1" Numpad1
- "numpad2" Numpad2
- "numpad3" Numpad3
- "numpad4" Numpad4
- "numpad5" Numpad5
- "numpad6" Numpad6
- "numpad7" Numpad7
- "numpad8" Numpad8
- "numpad9" Numpad9
- "numpad0" Numpad0
- "numpad+" Numpad plus
- "numpad-" Numpad minus
- "numpad/" Numpad slash
- "numpad*" Numpad star
- "scroll" Scroll Lock
- "numpadequals" Numpad Equals
- "stop" Stop
- "numpadenter" Numpad Enter
- "numpadcomma" Numpad Comma
- "sysreq" Print Screen/ Sys Req
- "home" Home
- "up" Up Arrow
- "down" Down Arrow
- "left" Left Arrow
- "right" Right Arrow
- "end" End
- "next" Next
- "insert" Insert
- "delete" Delete
- "win" Windows
- "app" Apps
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ACTION_NAVPOINT_NEXT No value needed, Selects to next navpoint
- ACTION_NAVPOINT_PREV No value needed, Selects to previous navpoint
- ACTION_NAVPOINT_SET Value selects navpoint
- ACTION_NEXT No value needed, jumps to next HERC while in OrbitCamera mode
- ACTION_PREV No value needed, jumps to previous HERC while in OrbitCamera mode
- ACTION_REVERSE_THROTTLE: No value needed, toggles reverse throttle
- ACTION_LOOK_CENTER: No value needed, centers pov
- ACTION_ZOOM_SET: Values range from 0.0 to 1.0, sets zoom level
- ACTION_ZOOM_ADJUST: Values range from -1.0 to 1.0, adjusts zoom level based on value
- ACTION_SPEED: 1.0 equals max speed, -1.0 equals reverse, 0.0 equals stop
- ACTION_ROLL: 1.0 equals max roll left, -1.0 equals max roll right
- ACTION_PITCH: 1.0 equals max pitch forward, -1.0 equals max pitch backwards
- ACTION_YAW: 1.0 equals max yaw left, -1.0 equals max yaw right
- ACTION_STOP: No value needed, stops the HERC
- ACTION_MOVE_X: 1.0 move the camera to the left, -1.0 moves the camera to the right
- ACTION_MOVE_Y: 1.0 moves the camera towards your pov,-1.0 moves it away
- ACTION_MOVE_Z: 1.0 moves the camera up, -1.0 moves the camera down
- ACTION_WEAPON_ADJ: 1.0 selects next weapon, -1.0 selects previous weapon
- ACTION_SELECT_WEAPON: Values range from 0.0 to 8.0, number indicates which weapon to select
- ACTION_REACTOR: No value needed, turns power off ( crucial for using loading and healing pads ).
- ACTION_LOOK_X: 1.0 looks left, -1.0 looks right
- ACTION_LOOK_Y: 1.0 looks up, -1.0 looks down
- ACTION_FIRE: 1.0 fires, 0.0 stops firing, -1.0 fires ALPHA strike (all weapons)
- ACTION_WEAPON_LINK No values, needed, works as a toggle to link like weapons
- ACTION_CAMOUFLAGE: No value needed, toggles camouflage
- ACTION_USE_PROJECTILE_CAM: No value needed, camera follows your next shot
- ACTION_CROUCH: 1.0 crouches, 0.0 stops crouching
- ACTION_SHIELD: No value needed,toggles shields
- ACTION_SHIELD_TRACK No values needed,toggles, toggles shield track
- ACTION_SHIELD_FOCUS_SET: Value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, value sets focus
- ACTION_SHIELD_FOCUS_ADJ : Value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, Value is added to current focus of your shield
- ACTION_SHIELD_ROTATION_ADJ: Value range from 0.0 to 1.0, Value is added the current position of your shield
- ACTION_SHIELD_ROTATION_SET: Value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, value sets shield position, with 0.0 being front.
- ACTION_TARGET_ADJ: 1.0 targets the next available target, -1.0 targets the previous available target
- ACTION_TARGET_CLOSEST: No value needed, Targets closest targettable object
- ACTION_TARGET_SELECTED: No value needed, Targets object currently underneath reticle
- ACTION_SENSOR_RANGE_TOGGLE: No value needed, toggles radar
- ACTION_SENSOR_RANGE_SET: Values range from 1.0 to 0.0, sets range of sensors
- ACTION_SENSOR_MODE_TOGGLE: No Values needed, toggles from passive to active
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- These examples are some of the more commonly asked questions about creating a custom keymapping:
- Q: How do I use my joystick axis to look?
- A: bindAction joystick xaxis TO ACTION_LOOK_X deadzone 0.1 center square
- bindAction joystick yaxis TO ACTION_LOOK_Y deadzone 0.1 center square
- Q: How do I use the joystick hat to look?
- A: bindAction joystick xpov TO ACTION_LOOK_X flip
- bindAction joystick ypov TO ACTION_LOOK_Y
- Q: How do I reconfigure the throttle ?
- A: It depends on which device you want to use as input. For keyboard, you might want something like this:
- bindAction keyboard make up TO ACTION_SPEED +1.0
- bindAction keyboard break up TO ACTION_SPEED 0.0
- For joystick zaxis ( throttle ):
- bindAction joystick zaxis TO ACTION_SPEED deadzone 0.1 center square
- Q: When I look with my mouse/ joystick/ keyboard, the HERC response seems backwards. How do I fix this ?
- A: Simply add the flip parameter at the end of the appropriate action in your custom keymap file.
- If flip is already there, remove it. This will flip the logical response of your HERC.
- Q: I added a keyboard command, but it dosn't seem to work. What's the deal?
- A: Make sure you typed 'make' or 'break' before the specific key you wanted to bind. Otherwise nothing will happen.
- Also, key combinations involving more than two keys will not work.
- Q: Whenever I try to use the joystick hat, my HERC fires or does some other incorrect action.
- A: Most likely you need to recalibrate your joystick. To do this, select Start menu/settings/control panel/Game Controllers.
- and calibrate.